WIS 29, WIS 97 bridge and WIS 107 bridge, Marathon County


WIS 29, WIS 97 bridge and WIS 107 bridge, Marathon County

Project Overview

The existing bridge decks are experiencing cracking, patching, spalling and areas of delamination. The project involves the application of a new thin polymer overlay to each bridge.

Traffic Impacts

During construction, single lane closures are anticipated at both structures. At the WIS 107 bridge, work operations will keep to one side of the bridge. At the WIS 97 bridge, temporary signals will be used to maintain access. Additionally, temporary signals are also anticipated at the WIS 29 eastbound and westbound off-ramps.

Real Estate

No real estate acquisition anticipated


Virtual local officials meeting - Aug. 2023

Public involvement mailing - Sept. 2023

Complete project design - Feb. 2025

Begin construction - Spring 2025


Tim Hanley, WisDOT Project Manager

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
North Central Region, Wisconsin Rapids Office
1681 Second Ave. South
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-4768
Phone: (715) 421-8302
Fax: (715) 423-0334
WI Telecommunications Relay System TTY: 711
Email: ncr.dtsd@dot.wi.gov